Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Slow Day...

It's Wednesday. The lessons today are quite, boring. Just to be honest :) Of course there are some cases when the jokers in class say some funny stuff and make us laugh. Yeah maybe it's not so bad after all :)

I'm currently in the computer lab, writing this(quite obvious but, I'm bored). It's minutes to the end of school. Well apparently, we can't leave if Mr Tan doesn't see that our blogs are ready with music, a cbox and a post. Yeah, as you can see I've done so. Actually, with the help of some friends. x) You know who you are. Thanks lots, despite the fact that I can actually do it myself. :)

After school, as usual, I'll have something to do. As for today, I have training. Some might say I'm a training freak but just to let you know, I'm hoping to get a GOLD medal in the National Anual Track and Field Championships this April. Can't let my coach down. Can't let my friends down. Can't let my teachers down. Can't let my school down and of course, I can't let myself down. I trained hard for this. I shall not waste it because, it's my last year in the C division - practically the easiest time to win if you got the advantage.

Hey the bell has rung. I'm hungry. Gonna get some lunch :) Byes. I'l post again some time, if I have the time. :)

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