Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hopes Are High For the Class Decoration Contest!

Weehoo! The class’ Chinese New Year decoration is going so smoothly. In fact, it looks brilliant now! Everybody hopes to win the contest. Mainly because of the $200 prize. But as for me, I feel more pleased with how the class is progressing. They spirit and enthusiasm that they have shown this year really make me feel very proud! We’re more united, things get done really quickly and everyone really play their part in contributing. Basically, I want it to be this way for the rest of the year! It really makes me feel so happy. :D

Here’s one fabulous example: the CNY decoration itself. First of all, I would like to thank Mdm Faezah and Mr Tan for their support and contribution. Especially Mdm Faezah, she really bothered to take some of her time and energy to buy decorations for us. She even helped us out with the decorating itself! It’s really an honour to have her as our co-form teacher. Her help and enthusiasm is very much appreciated. Thank you Mdm Faezah and Mr Tan!

Well, what’s the use of having enthusiastic teachers without the enthusiastic students? Yeah, this year, those who actually are really very enthusiastic about this stepped up and really got this moving. Reuben had many brilliant ideas and it turned out great! Using red packets to make shapes and numbers sounded simple but it actually takes a lot of work! Look at this simple yet wonderful design on the wall beside the teacher’s desk. It really catches the eye even from outside! This should make the judges say, “WOW!”

As things get pasted around the classroom, we realized that the ceiling is becoming an empty spot. So, we decided to hang some ornaments. Mdm Faezah got us some lanterns and other decorations than could be hung. It was quite a fuss to put them all up, but it all paid off anyway.

Look at that brilliance. Next comes the notice board. Mdm Faezah felt that it was too plain. She’s a lady, so why not flowers? Yes, she brought some flowers(they’re not real) and we put it around the notice board as a border. It turned out to be like some bollywood decorations but it’s fine. At least it doesn’t look too plain.

Other places like the windows and doors are simply red. What do I mean? Red packets of course. Reuben could make fishes, fire crackers, and some patterns out of it. So we just hung them up in a pattern.

As a whole, the class looked beautiful. But there are still some things incomplete. It’s a secret. We really hope to win this contest and show VS the best class there is! Well, I got some homework to complete. Fingers crossed. The win shall be ours. :)

PS. By the way, I’m in love with this song :D

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Saturday, January 22, 2011

There's a Whole Lot More Throwing, Than Just Winning...

Have you ever felt like you’re the lousiest person around? Or maybe just the weakest amongst your competitors. Well it doesn’t really matter. Everyone needs to have their own time and space. Of course, there will be people who are better than you in certain areas. If not, how would the world go round? Everywhere there’s bound to be leaders, champions or legends. That doesn’t mean you’re not useful just because you’re not one of them. Today, something depressing happened to me. But in the end, the lesson, I have learnt.
On the way to Gombak Stadium, I prayed hard to do well. I knew I could do it and I really hoped that I could perform. But it all wasn’t meant to be. The Discus Throwing competition started and we took our throws. There were 7 competitors. The number is small for a competition like that, but no underestimations to be made. After my first throw, my wrist got a little twist, thus giving me a massive disadvantage. For the next 5 throws we’re given, it looked like I’m just a rookie. My facial expression was priceless. Very much contrasting to the other throwers who were having fun. I ended up in last place. 7th. My hopes just drowned. I didn’t dare say a word. Luckily the Catholic High thrower who got 1st place talked to me and understood my disadvantage. Well, he’s a nice guy. It’s the results I felt unhappy about…
After the session, Mr Sng came and talked to us. Like I’ve predicted, he came and asked what happened to me. And mind you, that’s the very first thing he said to me. So I just listened to whatever he said. To be honest I was just too disappointed at myself. Then came a wise old man. He spoke to the three of us – me, Jerry and Anthony.

“Train hard all of you. Everything can be done only by yourself. If you want it, it’s there for the taking. Coach is there just to guide you but if you don’t want it, or have that ‘I don’t care’ attitude, forget it. Ask yourself, do you want it? And if you came here to compete, that’s one problem you have to correct first. The purpose of coming here is to learn. It’s about the experience. Well I have to go. Good luck to all of you and train hard.”

Well that’s the gist of what he said and I still remember it. Upon hearing whatever he said, I just stood there thinking. What was I there for? As I walked out of the stadium and to the MRT station, I realized I had the wrong perception of the word ‘competition’. Yes there is the word ‘compete’ in it, but that’s not always the case. To be better, experience and learning is part of the long and tough road. No wonder there are great leaders in the world. They surely have some inspirations from leaders before them. Well, it’s all part and parcel of being the best. And I mean the best of yourself. The only one you have to beat, is yourself. That’s the only was one can feel the success. As I travelled home, I felt happier because I learnt something very meaningful. That old man… I still haven’t got him off my mind.
Okay I have to complete my OPW project now. That moment shall stay locked in my mind. Competition doesn’t mean competing with others, it just means competing with yourself.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bad Day...

It feels like I've just finished a marathon. Phew. What a day. I've been so busy for the past few days and today was probably the busiest of them all! School ended at 2.15PM. One of the periods during school hours was PE. So, you can more or less imagine how tiring it is considering that I had to rush to Cedar Girls' School straight after school for training. During PE, we played soccer - this term's module for PE. It was fun playing the game but somehow I can't perform well during the drills. Ironical, isn't it?

But no matter. For I canst not then be false to any man. Sorry for the, Shakespearian language. Literature is focusing so much on those language. Honestly, I really don't quite understand whatever those characters are blabbering about. I mean, why make things so difficult to understand when there's an easier way? Yeah, if you ask me, I don't mind travelling back in time just to kill Shakespeare.

School ended, quickly got changed to my PE attire, met up with the other Track and Field members and took bus 135 to Cedar. It was a 45 minute ride, which is followed by a 500metre walk just to get in the school compound. I wonder what are the Cedarians views? Isn't it so troublesome especially in the morning? Well it could be a morning stroll or something like that. I don't know. Carrying on. I did some throwing of the discus there initially. I was getting more power but my release was deproving. Got to improve.

About 1 hour later, it started to rain. The throwers took shelter under a very small tentage. It was quite useless actually. Our stuff still got wet. Oh and did I mention that my bag tore? Yep, a wonderful day. After the rain has subsided a little, coach pumped us. It's quite normal, just with girls this time.

My legs were trembling. My shoulder felt like it was going to drop. Finally, coach let us go. Here's the most terrible part of the day. Imagine yourself filled with fatigue, carrying a torn bag, shivering thanks to the weather and needing to walk 500 metres just to get the bus stop and take the bus to the MRT station at Aljunied just to get back home. Let me tell you, it gets even better. 6PM, peak hours. Bus, crowded. Train, jam-packed. Interchange, don't talk about it. Well, 1 hour after leaving Cedar, I managed to give my legs some rest. It's really a horrible day but I'm glad it's over.

Oh wait, I have homework to complete. Before that, I have to get another bag to use. Okay, my day still isn't over. Got to go. See you!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What Happens When I'm Bored?

Can you answer the riddle above? Ok I'm just kidding. It's not a riddle. After school today, I was going to have such a boring time. Everybody at home was minding their own business. Well of course, I too have things that I like to do. And that's just what I will be sharing with all of you now!

Yes, you guessed it. I play the guitar. This guitar you see above is called an acoustic guitar. It has steel strings and it gives that very lively and ringing vibes. This is probably my favourite guitar to play! Initially, I kind of hated it, due to the strings. Sometimes it could cut my fingers while I play it, and let me tell you, it hurts ALOT. But as I progress, my fingers start to develop what is known to be "rock skin" to many guitar players. Basically, rock skin is just the hardening of the skin as it gets accustomed to the steel strings. During the process, there'll be many blisters and bleeding. Well, it pays off anyway. I'm glad mine is over!

The acoustic guitar can be played in many different styles. It totally depends on the guitar player himself! The number of ways guitar can be played it infinite. If one wishes to play a guitar in a certain way that he feels is comfortable for him, nobody can say anything about it. That is why I never take guitar classes. I learn how to play on my own. Nobody can tell me if it's right or wrong because I know I'm always right!

When I feel happier than usual, why not rock and roll! Yeah, the black guitar you see on your left is an electric guitar. I know many wish to play one, but it's not as easy as it seems! An electric guitar is similar to an acoustic guitar as it also has steel strings but it cannot be played on it's own. An electric guitar needs an amplifier. Do you see cable connected on my guitar? The other end is plugged to my amplifier. That's when the fun part starts. I'm sure everyone knows how rock songs sound like. This is something that all rock bands do. With their amplifier, they can set effects to it. Rock bands would use an effect called 'distortion' which practically distorts the sound to give that metal feel. Well now you know how those rock and rollers do their thing. And if you're wondering if I do any of those, my answer is of course. It's really fun once you get the hang of it. Just have to be careful not to annoy my neighbours.

Here's another kind of guitar that I have. It's a classical guitar. Unlike the acoustic and electric guitars, this guitar has nylon strings. It gives melodic and peaceful sounds. When I'm stressed or sad, this is one way to calm myself. I play classical pieces or slow love songs on this guitar. Due to the melodic sounds it produce, it's really soothening and I will be relaxed when playing it. What's great is that this guitar is cheap and the strings last longer than steel strings. If any of you wish to play the guitar, my advice to you is to start playing with the classical guitar. Your fingers won't be cut or whatsoever because this guitar has nylon strings.

Oh and ain't my kitty cute? She loves music too. I'll talk about them another time. I promise. For now, I'll keep it to guitars, my passion. Okay, see you! ;)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Surprise Training Ground!

Phew! It’s been such a tiring day! I’ve been occupied since early in the morning. Finally I get to sit down and rest. Of course, at the same time, I’m writing this blog post. Well honestly, it wasn’t too bad. I had new experiences today and it was quite interesting.

6AM, my mother started shouting at my maid for some reason. To tell you frankly, I really don’t care what happened because every alternate days, it happens. So it became my alarm clock. I had Track and Field training at 9.30AM at Cedar Girls’ School, located at Macpherson. Yes, if you were wondering, I was excited to go there. Every day in VS, I see boys everywhere. It’s quite obvious I’ll get annoyed sometimes. That’s why going to a school where all the students are girls can be very exciting for anyone in my position. ;)

7.30AM, I met Ariff, my training buddy, and ate at McDonalds together. Afterwards, we left for Cedar. It took us about 40 minutes to get there. We met our seniors along the way. Upon our arrival, I was really amazed. The school is huge! They have their own track, 2 gyms and many other facilities! Really looked like a training heaven. Sadly, we’re still visitors and we have to show some respect by behaving well. Unlike training at school, we can practically shout and scream while behaving like moneys and nobody will actually care! That’s the disadvantage about training there, besides getting to see girls. :D

There weren’t many throwers today. Mainly because most of them have a throwing competition tomorrow. They should be resting at home in preparation for the next day. Training for those who were present was as usual, but with girls around.

After training ended, Ariff and I hoped to go around and meet a few girls but we had to leave. Like I’ve said, we’re visitors and we have to show some respect. That means we shouldn’t go around flirting. Anyways, we were tired and needed some rest.

So here I am now, at home. I got some homework to do. So, my day will be quite a long one. Well, I’ll stop here for now. I need to complete other tasks too! Toodles!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Class Tee Settled!

After a few weeks of planning and designing VS2D's class tee, we've finally placed our orders today! :D I would like to extend my most sincere thanks to all those who have contributed to this. Well, practically everyone contributed because everyone in the class did pay for the shirt. Thanks people, I really appreciate it. Especially Mdm Faezah for her enthusiasm in our class activities. She even drove me, Bryan and Dao Nan to Tampines Mall to order the shirt. It really felt good having this settled. The class really needed this.

It's getting late. I can't stay much longer. I'll just stop here. Byes :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Slow Day...

It's Wednesday. The lessons today are quite, boring. Just to be honest :) Of course there are some cases when the jokers in class say some funny stuff and make us laugh. Yeah maybe it's not so bad after all :)

I'm currently in the computer lab, writing this(quite obvious but, I'm bored). It's minutes to the end of school. Well apparently, we can't leave if Mr Tan doesn't see that our blogs are ready with music, a cbox and a post. Yeah, as you can see I've done so. Actually, with the help of some friends. x) You know who you are. Thanks lots, despite the fact that I can actually do it myself. :)

After school, as usual, I'll have something to do. As for today, I have training. Some might say I'm a training freak but just to let you know, I'm hoping to get a GOLD medal in the National Anual Track and Field Championships this April. Can't let my coach down. Can't let my friends down. Can't let my teachers down. Can't let my school down and of course, I can't let myself down. I trained hard for this. I shall not waste it because, it's my last year in the C division - practically the easiest time to win if you got the advantage.

Hey the bell has rung. I'm hungry. Gonna get some lunch :) Byes. I'l post again some time, if I have the time. :)